Monday, March 7, 2011

Big trouble for Celtics

Not to long ago the Boston Celtics had 2 injuries and 1 REALLY hurt them.Kevin Garnet got injured and was out for a few games.And those few games the Celtics i think lost,but im not sure,but i think they lost.Anyways,then another injury struck the celtics.He was going to dunk the ball,but then somthing went terrible wrong.He ended up breaking his wrist.2 players out REALLYhurt them,but this was the perfect oppertunity for the newer 2 players to shine.Shaquille O'neal and,I cant remember his name it was Luke somthing.So they played as hard as they possible could and that helped the celtics bring up their game.And now Doc Rivers must be proud of both of them.

P.S.I think the one who broke his wrist is STILLout to this minute!

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